Saturday, October 26, 2013

On my way to Busan

We have a word in our house for the feeling you get when doing something like preparing for a big trip - terri-citement. Half terrified, half excited. I'm not sure I was ever really terrified this week, but there was definitely a lot of anxiety. Worrying about my connecting flight, getting from the airport to my hotel in a city I don't know at all, finding vegetarian meals when I'm surrounded by a language I don't speak. I know it's all going to be fine, but these worries add up!

And so I have tried over the past few days to find a little internal calm, for peace within me. God of life, lead me to (justice and) peace. Those around me have helped. An email from my brother telling me what's fun to do in Seoul. A delicious meal last night with the love of my life at my favourite restaurant. A quick call with my parents after that, reminding me to enjoy myself in the midst of everything. A (very!) early morning ride to the airport from a dear friend. Guest passes to Air Canada lounges from another dear friend to make my long journey a bit more comfortable.

I am very thankful for the peace that comes from a few deep breaths and from being surrounded by love.

Flight #1 is already behind me, and I am hanging out (in the Air Canada lounge!) in the Vancouver Airport. The excitement is starting to drown out the anxiety.

Next stop - Seoul!

1 comment:

  1. Internal calm - I think you're the defintion of this, friend. Love this account of your journey across the miles. You made it....keep enjoying and experiencing every minute.
