Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 6 continued...

In my rush to post yesterday, I forgot to mention two very meaningful moments from the day:

- The Assembly received greetings from Rabbi David Fox Sandmel of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations. He concluded with these powerful words:
While we disagree about whether the Messiah is to come or come again, we are, in the felicitous phrase of the Christian theologian Clark Williamson, "partners in waiting." Until that day, we can and must work together to alleviate suffering, promote justice and repair our world for the reign of God. Ken yehi ratzon, may this be God's will. Amen.
- Eight new presidents of the WCC were elected last night. The North American President will be Bishop Mark MacDonald from the Anglican Church of Canada, a non-status Indian and the first indigenous president for the region. I am very excited by Mark's election. The Anglican Church has more information about the role of presidents and about Mark himself.

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